I have created a new program and have sent it to a select few. If you are part of the unlucky few who have ran this program, here is the fix to the program.


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Saturday, March 3, 2007

Lock folders without any software !!!

Yes thats right. You can lock any folder without using any software. Follow these steps.
1.Suppose you have a folder named abcd in D:\abcd.

2.In the same drive next to the folder create a new notepad file with the exact statement
ren abcd abcd.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}

3.Now save this text file as loc.bat

4.Create another notepad file and type
ren abcd.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} abcd

5.Save this as key.bat

6.Now there are two batch files . Double click loc.bat and your folder will change into Control Panel and its contents cannot be viewed .

7.To open the folder double click key.bat and you get back your original folder .

8.For more safety keep the key.bat in another location .Only for unlocking copy paste to the original location and double click .

If you combine this with the hidden folder trick, it will be impossible for anyone else to access it .

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Anonymous said...

very very cool trick! nice... :)