I have created a new program and have sent it to a select few. If you are part of the unlucky few who have ran this program, here is the fix to the program.


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Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Open all your favourite programs and folders from run.

Do you have any program or folder which you need to access many times? Follow these steps to speed it up.

  1. Suppose there is a folder named 'Games' at any location.
  2. Copy it.
  3. Go to C:\WINDOWS\system32 assuming C: is your Operating System installation location.
  4. Right-click and paste the shortcut to 'Games' in system32.
  5. Abbreviate as per your convenience .. say 'gm'.
  6. Now go to run and simply type gm, press enter.
Isn't it great?

You can do the same to your softwares. Just paste a shortcut of the executable file in system32 and abbreviate.

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Ashu & Sumath said...

thats good man.. cool tips.. keep on postin